Making money, money on blogs

Hope you all know blogging is the trend that is going on now for the past 2-3 years in the information technology industry: So I am taking this opportunity to help the readers of this blog to learn the tips to become popular and as well as make money at the same time.

For the people who are new to this blogging profession here is the basic terms used in this blogging profession:
Vblog: Short for video blogs. The post is usually in the form of a video clip, also calleed screencast.

Blogroll: Bloggers include links to other blogs they regularly visit, in their blog. This is the blogroll. Linking between blogs is seen as an important part of creating a popular blog.

Podcast/Audiocast: A where the post is an audio file that can be listened to.

Trackback: When a blog is quoted and linked to by another blog, it becomes a trackback to the former blog. Trackbacks are an indication of a blgos popularity and authority.

Permalink: A blog page can contain many posts. A permalink referes to the unique URL that points to a particular post. Having a permalink allows direct access to a post, rather than a page.

API: Short for application programming interface. The interface offers clues to what this refers to, it is a set of routines with which two programs can interact.

RSS: Short for Rich site summary. This offers a way for the creator of an article to distribute it to a large audience. The creator of the article generates an RSS feed, which is a document created in XML. People desirous of being informed need to subscribe to the RSS feed, which can be read using specialised applications called feedreaders. ATOM is another syndication format like RSS.

Bookmarking: It is difficult to remember all the URLs you visited. A bookmark makes this exercise easier by sorting the URL as a link. All browsers have a bookmarking feature, which can be used to track your favourite sites. Bookmarking sites allow you to keep your favourites list online so that it is accessible from any place. An example of such site is

Pinging: In the context of blogs, pinging means informing the server that tracks blogs about changes to a blog. Blog tracking sites like,, etc update their listing every time a ping is received, so visitors to such sites can have access to the freshest blog posts.

These were the most common technical jargons used in this Blogging profession........Next attaction would be on the topic of making the most of blogs, wait untill next posting.....thanks.


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